Your Ideal Customer Was Online

Did they find you? Were they attracted to your content? Did they find your offering compelling (enough)? Did you have an irresistible offer?

Or, did they look at your content and then move on?  Perhaps they were looking for information to help with a need?  Did you miss an opportunity to help them now, to gain their trust later?

Did You Address Their Needs?

The digital marketing landscape is littered with company websites that promote the company instead of addressing the needs of their ideal customers. Does this sound like your organization?

What did you do last time you or your company had a need? There’s a good chance your tried to find answers online, but were you looking for promotional content to persuade you to make a purchase, or were you looking for information, to educate yourself to address your need?

Did you join them on their journey?

Whenever someone has a notion of a need one of the first things they do is go online to understand their need better and look for ways to satisfy it. This first step of going online is the beginning of what is known as the Buyer’s Journey.
If you join customers as a mentor or helper on this journey and engage them with useful content, then you are more likely to attract interest in your company and its offerings.

Would you like to know more about the how to join ideal customers on their buyer’s journey? Read our Digital Marketing Essentials article.


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